wellness in every steep

chrysanthemum and goji

"Feeling vexed."

chrysanthemum and goji berry tea benefits - ingredients

Find solace in our Chrysanthemum + Goji blend - a harmonious tisane meticulously crafted to nourish your body and counter excess heat, providing a soothing respite that promotes restful sleep. Unwind from the chaos of the day and immerse yourself in a state of relaxation and serenity.

  • Jujube Dates – nature’s own sedative, renowned for their ability to calm nerves and encourage restful sleep. These dates gently soothe your senses, paving the way for a peaceful night’s rest - a respite from the stresses of daily life.
  • Goji Berries – Not only adds a delightful touch but also provides a rich source of Vitamin C, supporting eye health while tonifying the liver and kidneys. These vibrant berries offer a vital boost to your overall well-being.
  • Longans – Another integral component, serve to strengthen the heart, improve circulation, and promote deep, rejuvenating sleep. Their subtle sweetness and myriad health benefits make them a cherished addition to our blend, enriching your experience with their nourishing properties.
  • Chrysanthemum – A revered flower with a multitude of virtues, takes center stage in our blend. Beyond its aromatic allure, chrysanthemum possesses the ability to lower blood pressure, promote skin clarity, and reduce inflammation - a testament to its versatility and efficacy in holistic wellness.

Each sip of our Chrysanthemum + Goji blend is an invitation to immerse yourself in a symphony of flavors - a harmonious fusion of botanical treasures carefully selected to nurture your body and spirit.

Experience the transformative power of our blend as it becomes an integral part of your nightly ritual - a calming companion that eases you into a state of relaxation and serenity. Let it be a catalyst for your journey towards restful sleep and rejuvenation. Feel the calming embrace of nature’s bounty as you drift into a peaceful slumber, awakening refreshed and revitalized.

Restore balance to your body and mind today.